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They say it never rains in Southern California. After the last couple of weeks, I can say that nothing could be further from the truth. It is raining today and has rained quite a bit here in the last couple of weeks. It is also expected to rain several days over the coming week. Now I know that Southern…
Ok, you’ve spent a bunch of money on a camera body, lenses, batteries, memory cards, battery chargers, etc. Now how do you get all this stuff to where you are going to use it? The trusty camera bag, that’s how. Great, but what kind of camera bag should you use? Well, like all things, bags are not a one…
Memory cards are important, but something we seldom give much thought. Let’s give them some attention. After all, they are holding your hard work and artistic vision in the form of the photographs you took the time and energy to create. You took time and effort to take your gear out, travel to some location to photograph, and…
Ok, so this took a little longer to get written than I expected, however, here it is. This is about what camera and lenses I shoot now, and how I progressed from my first gear, the Nikon D3100 with kit 18-55mm lens, to my current gear. I’ll also include my thoughts on each piece of gear, and…
My start in photography was simple. I was going on a cruise with family to the Mexican Riviera. I knew that there would be some beautiful scenery to photograph on the trip, but did not own a camera or have any idea about photography. The last time I had done photography was in an art class in college…
First Blog Post! Ok, so I have never done this before, but I thought this website would be a good place to showcase some of my photography. I also thought this would be a good place to share my travels and other day-to-day “adventures”. By trade I am an attorney in Los Angeles. While that keeps me…